For some women, maintaining the health and beauty of the skin can be a subject that is sometimes difficult to try. Starting from a very busy schedule of activities, not having free time, to the assumption that beauty ingredients are expensive. Yes, not all women can spare their time to regularly attend beauty clinics or carry out various skin care rituals that are trending among the citizens.
You are one of them? If so, there’s no need to be afraid. Protecting skin beauty can also be tried in simple ways such as the following:
1. Adjust yourself to wash your face before bed All the activities that you do, want to make your face a container for various impurities that can cause skin beauty problems. Therefore, make it a habit to wash your face before bed, so you have to schedule it every night.
2. Wash your face for at least 30 seconds Leaving the face wet does not automatically make the skin clean suddenly. There are some steps that must be tried to get optimal hygiene from washing your face. Take at least 30- 45 seconds to rinse your face from the tip of the forehead to the tip of the chin. Rinse your face in circular motions without scrubbing very firmly.
3. Always use moisturizer Remember, not only from the inside, the skin also needs to be properly hydrated from the outside. Therefore, make it a habit to use a moisturizer every morning before doing activities.
4. Do not go too far in using the product Facial skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the body surface. Therefore, don’t go too far when sterilizing your face. Use the product as needed, and rinse your face carefully.
5. Exfoliate Annoyed by the look on your face? A dingy face is caused by dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. Therefore, make it a habit at least once a week to do exfoliation. Choose a product that fits your skin type.
6. Produce a healthy diet Not only external care, you also have to protect your skin from the inside. The trick is to protect the consumption of healthy food. Make it a habit to regularly eat vegetables and fruits as the perfect nutrition for the beauty of your skin.
7. Get enough sleep Sleep has a big influence on a person’s appearance. Get used to getting enough sleep, so that skin regeneration can also be formed optimally.